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2022-01-20 19:14:52作者:中国国家京剧院
中国国家京剧院自建院以来,剧院汇集了李少春、袁世海、叶盛兰、杜近芳、翁偶虹、范钧宏、阿甲、郑亦秋、刘吉典等一大批杰出的表演艺术家和剧作家、导演、 作曲家、舞台美术家,组成了精英荟萃、实力雄厚的京剧艺术表演团体。


自建院以来,剧院汇集了李少春、袁世海、叶盛兰、杜近芳、翁偶虹、范钧宏、阿甲、郑亦秋、刘吉典等一大批杰出的表演艺术家和剧作家、导演、 作曲家、舞台美术家,组成了精英荟萃、实力雄厚的京剧艺术表演团体。
六十多年来,剧院继承、创编、上演了 500 多部不同题材、体裁的优秀传统戏、新编历史剧和现代京剧,形成善于继承,长于借鉴,勇于创新,精于塑造人物形象的艺术精神,以及思想内容丰富、艺术严谨、舞台清新、流派纷呈、阵容齐整的艺术风格。如《三打祝家庄》《穆桂英挂帅》《野猪林》《柳荫记》《白蛇传》《大闹天宫》《满江红》《九江口》《杨门女将》《谢瑶环》《春草闯堂》《三岔口》《红灯记》《平原作战》《红色娘子军》《蝶恋花》《江姐》《西安事变》《党的女儿》《红军故事》等,具有广泛影响,并赢得了观众的喜爱。
China National Peking Opera Company

Established in January 1955, China National Peking Opera Company (CNPOC) is one of the national ensembles of performance arts directly under the Ministry of Culture, People's Republic of China. The first President of the Company is the Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang. The company consists of Group One, Group Two, Group Three, Stage Art Center, Creation and Research Center, Marketing and Promotion Department, Mei Lanfang Grand Theatre and so on.

 Since its founding, the company has brought together a large number of outstanding performing artists and playwrights, directors, composers and stage artists, who enjoy a high reputation both at home and abroad, such as Li Shaochun, Yuan Shihai, Ye Shenglan, Du Jinfang, Weng Ouhong and Fan Junhong, Ajia, Zheng Yiqiu and Liu Jidian, etc. With a galaxy of masters, CNPOC has grown into a performing organization of Peking Opera with competitive strengths.

 For 60 years, CNPOC has inherited, created, and staged more than 500 traditional, new-style historical and modern Peking Opera plays with various themes and forms. It upholds an art spirit of inheritance, innovation, being ready to learn from other artistic forms and good at portraying characters. Moreover, it has created an artistic style featuring rich contents, profound thoughts, novel stage design, various schools, and the well-balanced cast. The repertoire of CNPOC includes the Three Attacks on Zhu’s Manor, Mu Guiying Taking Command, Wild Boar Forest, Under Willows – Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, the Legend of the White Snake, Havoc in the Heavenly Kingdom, All Red is the River – A Patriot Wronged, Poyang Lake, Women Generals of the Yang Family, Xie Yaohuan, Chuncao Breaking in the Court, On the Crossroad, The Red Lantern, Fighting on the Plains, Red Women Soldiers, Yang Kaihui, and Sister Jiang, which enjoy huge popularity among the audience.
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